This missing piece of history is a late 18th century Pennsylvania flintlock longarm with a barrel by J. Philpy, a lock by James Golcher, and a patchbox indicating that it was presented to President George Washington at Mount Vernon in 1790.
Some History About the Theft
The Washington Flintlock Rifle is another of the 32 historic items, in addition to the Ferguson Rifle discussed last week, stolen from the Valley Forge Historical Society in an overnight burglary on October 24, 1968. It was identified by the historical society as an “Kentucky style” flintlock rifle with a lock by James Golcher.
How to Identify This Missing Piece of History
The missing Washington Flintlock Rifle is a late 18th century flintlock longarm, with an octagonal barrel made by Berks County, Pennsylvania gunmaker J. Philpy and engraved with “J*Phil Py”, and a lock by Philadelphia lockmaker James Golcher, that is marked with “JAS. GOLCHER” and “WARRANTED.”
Most importantly, it has a brass patchbox engraved with “Presented by J. Kahn to President George Washington Mount Vernon, Virginia July 4, 1790.”
The firearm is .55 caliber, has a stock of curly maple, a plain wood ramrod, and a brass trigger guard and butt plate, as well as the engraved brass patchbox. It is 59” in length, with a 42 ½” barrel and a 4 ½” lock.

Why This Missing Piece of History is Important
The Washington Flintlock Rifle was purchased by Reverend W. Herbert Burk in May 1914 for his Valley Forge Museum of American History. This purchase was described in a May 9, 1914 article in the New York Times, entitled “Washington Relics Sold.” According to the New York Times article, during a two day sale of Americana by the Merwin Company, which included the sale of the last portrait taken from life of George Washington by James Sharpless and the sale of locks of hair of George and Martha Washington, Reverend Burk “gave $280 for a Kentucky flintlock rifle made by James Golcher, the most noted gunmaker of America in his day, and presented by J. Kahn to Washington at Mount Vernon, Va., on July 4, 1790.”
However, the New York Times article is not quite correct. While the gun lock was signed by James Golcher, the barrel of the firearm indicates that it was made by J. Philpy, a Berks County gunmaker, whose rifles are very uncommon. Of course, the patchbox commemorating the presentation of this firearm to President Washington renders this a truly unique piece of history.
What to Do if You Know Where This Missing Piece of History Is
If you recognize the Washington Flintlock Rifle, have any information about it, or know its whereabouts, please call us at 1-202-240-2355 or send us an email at